Your Local and Global Sourcing Partner is an
independent wholesale distributor
of electronic components.

About Us

Typhoon Electronics has been in business since 1999 as a local and global sourcing partner. We are an independent distributor of electronic components and provide complete and cost-effective solutions for your electronic, obsolete and hard to find components. We are dedicated to provide cost savings and complete customer satisfaction.
We are trusted supply partner to the leading contract manufacturers and OEMs.
Our team is multilingual, providing access to parts across the globe.
Please contact us for a quick price quote, customized or consignment solutions.


Our Mission:

To provide our customers with immediate, reliable, high value component management solutions and unparalleled customer service

unparalleled customer service


No enquiry is too small, too large, or too complex. Our services range from single component supply to lengthy bill-of-material fulfilment to executing complex projects involving design, engineering, sourcing, assembly and manufacturing. We understand that a shortage of even a single component can prevent your on-time completion projects.
As your sourcing partner, we provide a complete one stop solution including taking responsibility for solving your time-critical supply problems, quality and best price.

independent wholesale distributor  of electronic components

Your Local and Global Sourcing Partner

We provide a complete and cost-effective sourcing solution for your electronic and hard to find component requirements. We source and deliver locally and globally.

Your Local and Global Sourcing Partner

Why Us

Free expert component sourcing service - we provide a one stop solution personalised to your unique requirements.
Flexibility – As an Independent Distributor we are not limited to specific manufacturers or to certain regions. This flexibility benefits you through fast delivery, lower pricing, ability to supply any component from any manufacturer, and bypassing factory minimum order quantities.


22667 E Swallow Pl. Aurora Colorado 80016


Phone: 720.881.7238
E-mail: vlad@typhoonelectronics.com